Puca Shop!

My name is Puca, I make rig ready vtuber model illustrations.Commission status: Open
Slots Available: 1
This site is best viewed on desktop or desktop mode on mobile.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q. Can you alter your style a little bit for my model?

  • A. Sure, as long as I'm not working in a totally different artstyle, I am willing to make changes to fit your vision.

  • Q. How long will my model take to make?

  • A. Models can take anywhere from 1-4 months depending on complexity and availability in my schedule.

  • Q. Why are your estimated delivery times so wide?

  • A. Due to changes in my personal life, models may take me less time than they would have previously, I do not want to narrow my EDT until I have done enough models at the same consistent pace.

  • Q. Will you draw something so long as it isn't on the "Will not draw" list?

  • A. My "Will not draw" list only covers some of the more common requests that I do not wish to fulfil, if you want something that isn't on that list just ask. If I do not wish to take your commission then I will politely decline and add the criteria of your order anonymously to the "Will not draw" list.

  • Q. Can I make a custom order?

  • A. I can take custom orders but I will need extensive explanation as to what you want, the requirements necessary to achieve said request and confirmation from a rigger that it is possible.

  • Q. You don't offer X but I would like it in your style, can I make a request?

  • A. Sure, just send me a message on one of the platforms provided in the contact section and I will let you know whether I can fultill your request as well as give a potential price quote.

  • Q. Do you take rush orders?

  • A. Currently no, I will not be accepting rush orders until I am fully aware of my average delivery time.

  • Q. Why do I have to embed or upload my references somewhere?

  • A. I do not feel comfortable downloading files from individuals until I have interacted with them extensively.

  • Q. Why do you ask for so much reference material.

  • A. If I understand fully from the start what you would like your model to look like, the process will be a lot quicker and I will not have to deviate from the design provided.

  • Q. What can I do to speed up the process even more?

  • A. Provide character design sheets with forward facing poses, make sure the hair and clothing of your character makes sense and is consistent from all angles it has been portrayed, contact a rigger in advance and ask them whether they are willing to talk to me during the illustration process to ensure the model fits their needs and preferences.

  • Q. Why might you need to make changes to my character design?

  • A. If your design has only ever been drawn from a 3/4 angle or there are elements of the design which do not make sense in 3D space, I might have to make slight changes in order to make sure they appear natural and aesthetically pleasing from a front facing perspective.

  • Q. My question isn't here, what now!?

  • A. Sorry friend, you'll have to ask me directly through one of the options in the contacts section.

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Chest Up

Price: 400.00 USD

Full Body

Price: 850-1000 USD

Half Body

Price: 600.00 USD

Expressions And Mockups

Price: 6.00 USD each
4 for 20.00 USD

Character Design

Black and white sketch no values: 150.00 USD
With side profile and back: 180.00 USD
Simple colour sketch with values: 200.00 USD
With side profile and back 290.00 USD

Side and back profile currently reduced in price until examples are done.

Alternate outfits.

Full body, new outfit, hair and accessories: 600.00 - 900.00 USD
Half body, new outfit, hair and accessories: 300.00 - 500.00 USD
Shoulders up, new outfit, hair and accessories: 150.00 USD


  • Client contacts me.

  • Client explains what they are looking for and provides requested reference material.

  • Client will be given an estimated time of completion, the model can take anywhere from 2-4 months to complete.

  • Client will be asked to confirm their agreement to my TOS.

  • Upon agreeing to the terms and providing evidence, rough draft payment can be made.

  • The rough model will take around a week give or take a few days.

  • Upon completion of the rough model, client will give feedback and will choose whether or not to continue.

  • Upon acceptance of the rough model, client will receive the next invoice for 60% of the model price.

  • Upon payment the main stage of the model making process will begin, client will be updated frequently on progress.

  • Upon completion of the model, the client will have to pay the remaining 40% of the total commission price before receiving any files.

  • Client will receive their files and upon inspection by their chosen rigger, I will make any necessary changes or fixes requested by them.

Terms Of Service

Privacy and Comfort

  • The artist has the right to post the illustration to social media e.g pixiv or twitter. The illustration will be kept private until the client has made the image public themselves or has given permission for it to be posted.

  • For the artist’s safety and comfort, they claim the right to deny a commission before initial payment has been made without justification.

  • The artist must be credited for the illustration for the duration of its use.

  • The artist is not required to respond immediately to messages made on Sundays or bank holidays.


  • Payment is to be made through Paypal via invoice.

  • If payment must be made in currency other than USD or GBP the artist must be informed before the invoice has been prepared.

  • 60% of the total price, is to be paid up front upon starting the commission .

  • The remaining 40% should be payed upon completion

  • Prices will appear on the invoice as their equivalent in GBP.

  • The client is entitled to a partial refund if the commission is canceled, an amount will be kept by the artist to compensate them proportional to the work that has been completed at the time of cancellation.

  • The client is entitled to a full refund if the artist becomes physically unable to complete the commission or requests to cancel the commission.

  • After the final payment has been made and the model deemed complete, no refunds may be offered.


  • The client must first receive a coloured rough of the model to ensure they are pleased with the direction and proportions before deciding whether to continue on to the full commission.

  • The coloured rough costs 75.00 USD.

  • If the client chooses to continue the commission after completion of the coloured rough, the 75.00 USD will be subtracted from the remaining cost of the model, if the commission does not continue the 75.00 USD will be kept to compensate the artist for work done thus far.

  • Major changes to the illustration after feedback has been provided will require an extra fee determined by the amount that must be changed.

  • The client is entitled to have adjustments or fixes made to the model following its completion where necessary for its successful rigging with no added charge.

I will not draw:

  • NSFW (Risqué/sexy designs are OK!)

  • Furry characters (Animal ears etc are OK!)

  • Extremely complicated designs (Negotiable.)

  • Gore

  • In a significantly different style than what I normally work in (I can push it but I won't adopt a whole new art style.)

  • Characters that are intended to be ugly or grotesque.


Before contacting me, please read the FAQ and TOS fully.Twitter: @Puca_Illust
Discord: puca#2944
Email: [email protected]

I prefer you contact me via Twitter or Discord, the email is not frequently checked.

Riggers I recommend

SlurpieDoo: https://twitter.com/SlurpieDoo
Omori Kira: https://twitter.com/KiraOmori
Spoiled Chestnut: https://twitter.com/spoiledchestnut
FukuyoruLuki: https://twitter.com/FukuyoruLuki

Thank you for accepting my terms.

Orders can be sent to my twitter or discord DMs or the email found in the contact section.Please send me your request using the following template:

  • Name:

  • Service(s) requested:

  • Link to Image references:

  • Do you need the model done by a specific deadline Y/N:

  • Do you have a rigger prepared in advance Y/N:

How to provide good reference material for vtuber model illustration.

  • 1. Know what you want to achieve with your model. If you want a specific part to move a specific way, provide examples of the same thing done on other models or provide a note from a rigger confirming your request is possible and what assets/cutting would be required to achieve it.

  • 2. Provide character sheets that have your design drawn from the front if you have any, if none of your character design images have a front facing view, I WILL have to guess and interpret what is not visible.

  • 3. Provide the names of each piece of clothing your character is wearing so if I need to find more reference for them, I can do so easily.

  • 4. Provide a lot of images of both art and real life examples of clothing and hair present on the design, as much as you can but keep the reference material as similar to what is present on the design as possible.

  • 5. Provide examples of other vtuber models you like, explain why you like them and if there are aspects from them e.g posing or figure that you want to be similar in your model.

  • 6. If your design has only been drawn clothed, I need you to provide a decent amount of clear reference for the body type you want, preferably not photos of real people.

  • 7. Special animations or effects will require me to be in contact with your rigger, the rigger must have a clear explanation as to how they will achieve the result you are looking for.

Model Specifics


Chest Up
Price: 400.00 USD
Size: Roughly 4k px tall.
Model stops below the chest.
Custom/asymmetrical posing not offered for this size.
Will be draw in 144DPI unless otherwise requested.
Full Body
Price: 850-1000.00 USD
Size: Roughly 9k px tall.
Base price covers a standard symmetrical pose.
Non standard or asymmetrical poses will be priced on a case by case basis.
Will be draw in 144DPI unless otherwise requested.
Half Body
Price: 600.00 USD
Size: Roughly 6k px tall.
Stops around the hips below the hands.
Base price covers a standard symmetrical pose.
Non standard or asymmetrical poses will be priced on a case by case basis.
Will be draw in 144DPI unless otherwise requested.
Hands will be cut as standard unless you request complex hand cutting.
(Complex hand cutting is pretty unlikely to be fully utilized, if you want this please confirm with your rigger whether they can make any use of it or whether having them rigged will incur an extra cost.)
Standard = All fingers separated from one another, cut at the knuckle, base of the hand separated from the thumb and thumb separated at the joint.Price of standard hands: No deviation from the quoted model price.Complex hands = Same as standard but every finger and thumb joint is cut.Price of complex hands: + 90.00 USDExtra Limbs For Animation Or Expression
Arms: 50.00 + USD per
Legs: 50.00 + USD per
The price of extra limbs is highly subject to change based on the individual model.Price can be influenced by things like
whether the arms or legs are covered by clothing or whether they require complex cutting.
Expression Mockup
Price: 4 for 20.00 USD 1 for 6.00 USD
Made using finished, fully cut vtuber models.
Assets For Custom Expressions
Can range from 1 - 10.00USD per asset required.
All basic expressions that only involve the shape/position of the facial features are handled by the rigger and typically are included in their rigging prices.
Expressions that are toggle-able are handled entirely by the rigger unless they require extra assets to be illustrated.
Examples of assets for custom expressions are tears, sweat drops, colour filters, sparkles etc.
Simple requests in low quantity may be done for free.
Alternate Outfits
Full body: 600.00 - 900.00 USD
Half body: 300.00 - 500.00 USD
Chest up: 150.00 USD
All outfit prices are subject to change based on the complexity or work required in producing them.Each alternate outfit base price is an estimate that covers a full outfit, accessories and hairstyle.I only offer alternate outfits commissions to clients who provide an illustrated reference of the outfit.If you wish for me to design your outfit for you, it will be considered character design work and will require me to prepare you a price quote based on the prices for character design - the cost of the existing model.The price of design is separate from the cost of illustrating the alternate outfit for your model.All prices are subject to change, higher or lower based on complexity of the outfit.If you only want a new piece of clothing and not a full outfit, you will be given a price quote.Uniquely proportioned or designed modelsIf your design is very complex, is very large or has non-human anatomy, I may need to give you an individual quote for the price of your model and it may require a longer deadline.Examples of extra assets: Large tails, large flexible wings, twisting/large horns, complex interlocking hair, assets for scrolling animations.Some assets I will consider as exceptions so long as they are easy to produce or common requests.Exceptions include: Small to medium animal ears, thin or small tails, small or simple horns, unique teeth, non-human hands/feet.Character Design
Black and White: 150.00 USD
With side profile and back view: 180.00 USD
Simple Colour: 200.00 USD
With side profile and back view 290.00 USD
Character design commissions will require significant amounts of reference material, names of clothing types if they exist, characters from other artists or media, real life examples of hair, specific tonal range for skin, specific body type with drawn examples (not required to be original work).The price of character design will be increased based on how much of the design I have to invent with no reference, the more creative freedom you permit me with your reference material though, the better results I can produce.The prices of design with side profile and back view have been reduced in price until examples have been produced.